Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Well darn.  My Mom didn't get a chance to make the costume she had planned, so I had to wear my costume from last year.  Oh, well. She'll make it for me as soon as possible.  Mom took a picture of me in my costume as soon as I got home from school because it gets dark here so early.

I'm standing on my deck.  Can you see that our leaves are changing?  It got cold here this weekend and we had snow!  Of course, it had rained for most of the day before the snow, so all the snow that fell melted.  I wanted to get a picture of me in the snow.  Oh well, next time.

Here is a picture of the cool goodie that Mom got for all my friends who come by.

See, it is a necklace of skulls.  They come in pink, purple, orange and green.  They were supposed to be bracelets, but Mom thought they worked better as necklaces.
Hope you come by and get one from me tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh that is kewl you were handing out the necklaces for halloween, wish we were close enough to come trick or treat you. My sister Emi has one of them in black that Mama found but we have not seen the colored ones.

    Sorry you had to wear your pumpkin costume again. but you look really cute in it .. and I bet you still got more candy than you needed. LOL .. we sure did.

